Talent Hizashi Yamasaki 
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These poems that I wrote.
I wait for joy to him of him.

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Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Darkness is Concluded

Entire existence
that absolutely exists
taste outside the absolute outside
which is broken
The predication that is possible
with the absolute outside
is not outside absolute identity outside,
the identity which should and is
Stopping, deciding, fixing of the limit
to the darkness, but,
taste of identity
the predication of self
It is possible,
it is not the actual limit of oneself
which you say
and is not
As for this
with exteriority of substance
the outside absoluteness
As for actuality
the outside the absoluteness
where the darkness is concluded
The light where the darkness is concluded
The light where the limit of the darkness is concluded
Other than actual identity of this darkness
it is human oneself
of self
- bar identical proof

Anonymous posted this at 2:52 PM.  (5) responds

Friday, March 31, 2006


Writhing in the brewing process

Writhing in the brewing process
Is artificial heart.

But I try
And suffering,
I am not to succeed.
Bored with complication

I hope that all my food through a hard day's work
He said,
Was hard toil.
But this dream?
It has become?

This realm has no future,
Or any commitment,
But I will keep a promise.

Anonymous posted this at 3:30 PM.  (0) responds

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Leprosy of the steering wheel - 2

There must be a leprosy
in regard to the steering wheel
It does not do with the order of the packing

Don't you think?
The fact is desired!
There is a steering wheel from leprosy
which stops and . . .

Current events stopping?
In regard to you!

Anonymous posted this at 7:32 PM.  (0) responds